Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency
aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. MSF offers assistance to
people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.
Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of neutrality and impartiality.
A worldwide movement
MSF was founded in Paris, France in 1971. Its principles are described in the organization's founding charter. It is a non-profit,
self-governed organization.
Today, MSF is a worldwide movement of 24 associations, bound together as MSF International, based in Switzerland.
Thousands of health professionals, logistical and
administrative staff – most of whom are hired locally –
work on programs in some 70 countries worldwide.
Humanitarian action
MSF's work is based on humanitarian principles. We are
committed to bringing quality medical care to people
caught in crisis, regardless of race, religion or political
MSF operates independently. We conduct our own
evaluations on the ground to determine people’s needs.
More than 90 per cent of our overall funding comes from
millions of private sources, not governments.
MSF is neutral. We do not take sides in armed conflicts, we provide care on the basis of need, and we push for independent
access to victims of conflict as required under international humanitarian law.
Bearing witness and speaking out
MSF medical teams often witness violence and neglect in the course of their work, largely in regions that receive scant
international attention.
At times, MSF may speak out publicly in an effort to bring a forgotten crisis to public attention, to alert the public to abuses
occurring beyond the headlines, to criticize the inadequacies of the aid system, or to challenge the diversion of humanitarian
aid for political interests.
Quality medical care
MSF rejects the idea that poor people deserve third-rate
medical care and strives to provide high-quality care to
patients. In 1999, when MSF was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize, the organization announced the money
would go towards raising awareness of and fighting
against neglected diseases.
Through the Access Campaign, and in partnership with
the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, this work has
helped lower the price of HIV/AIDS treatment and
stimulated research and development for medicines to
treat malaria and neglected diseases like sleeping
sickness and kala azar.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a private, international association. The association is made up
mainly of doctors and health sector workers and is also open to all other professions which might help in achieving its aims. All
of its members agree to honor the following principles:
MSF provides assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters, and to victims of armed
conflict. They do so irrespective of race, religion, creed, or political convictions.
MSF observes neutrality and impartiality in the name of universal medical ethics and the right to humanitarian assistance and
claims full and unhindered freedom in the exercise of its functions.
Members undertake to respect their professional code of ethics and maintain complete independence from all political,
economic, or religious powers.
As volunteers, members understand the risks and dangers of the missions they carry out and make no claim for themselves or
their assigns for any form of compensation other than that which the association might be able to afford them.
Our Principles
MSF’s actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality.
Medical Ethics
MSF’s actions are first and foremost medical. We carry
out our work with respect for the rules of medical ethics, in
particular the duty to provide care without causing harm to
individuals or groups. We respect patients’ autonomy,
patient confidentiality, and their right to informed consent.
We treat our patients with dignity, and with respect for
their cultural and religious beliefs. In accordance with
these principles, MSF endeavors to provide high-quality
medical care to all patients.
Our decision to offer assistance in any country or crisis is
based on an independent assessment of people’s needs.
We strive to ensure that we have the power to freely
evaluate medical needs, to access populations without
restriction, and to directly control the aid we provide. Our independence is facilitated by our policy to allow only a marginal
portion of our funds to come from governments and intergovernmental organizations.
Impartiality and Neutrality
MSF offers assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. We give
priority to those in the most serious and immediate danger. Our decisions are not based on political, economic, or religious
interests. MSF does not take sides or intervene according to the demands of governments or warring parties.
Bearing Witness
The principles of impartiality and neutrality are not synonymous with silence. When MSF witnesses extreme acts of violence
against individuals or groups, the organization may speak out publicly. We may seek to bring attention to extreme need and
unacceptable suffering when access to lifesaving medical care is hindered, when medical facilities come under threat, when
crises are neglected, or when the provision of aid is inadequate or abused.
MSF is committed to regularly evaluating the effects of its activities. We assume the responsibility of
accounting for our actions to our patients and donors.
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